Put simply,Here is how cement is produced in a plant Articles cement is a binder that sets and hardens independently, and has the ability to bind other materials together. It is this amazing binding ability that has made cement this much popular in the modern world. Cement production is a complex process, but let’s understand the basic components of cement production process.
Limestone and clay are the raw materials used by cement companies in India. First of all, these raw materials are extracted from the quarry, and then crushed to a very fine power. Quality of raw materials is critical to how the output (cement) turns out.
The blended powder is then passed through a rotary kiln, which has a long flame at one end. This rotary kiln looks like a tube, and is about 200 meters long and 6 meters in diameter. The kiln feed (or, the blended raw material) passes through high temperature, which is around 1400 C to 1500 C. The outcome from this kiln is known as, ‘clinker’.
Once the clinker cools down, cement plants in India can either store them in a clinker store (temporarily) or forward it to the cement mill.
In the mill, this clinker is crushed to fine power. A small amount of gypsum – which controls the setting properties of the cement when water is added to it – is added to this powder. This is how you get the final output, which is cement.
This is the simple description of the cement Mandurah Concreting Solutions production process. But, in reality, a lot more activities take place in cement plants in India. In fact, cement is manufactured in different grades; each grade is fit for some specific applications. Some cement products will be fit for house construction purposes, while some will be especially manufactured for special applications, such as oil wells, airstrips, and railway sleepers.
Quality of raw materials has a direct impact on the quality of cement, and therefore, you should buy only the branded cement so that your construction lasts for generations.
Then, there are certain dos and don’ts that you have to know to make the best use of cement. Remember, hydration process begins the moment water is added to the mix. So, the mix should preferably be used within 45 to 50 minutes. Concreting work should be done during morning or evening time. If there is no other option but to start the work during high temperatures, the water that is present in the mix will evaporate affecting the material ratios. Since water is essential for hydration process, avoid concreting in the afternoon time. If unavoidable, cover the concrete with a plastic sheet to reduce the losses due to evaporation.